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Common Brake Problems and Fixes

If you’re having brake trouble, it can be hard to isolate and fix the issue. At Poway Auto Repair in Poway, CA we’ve seen it all. Here are a few of the most common problems and offenders in the brake system and what you can do about them.

Brake Pads: Probably the part requiring the most replacements. Brake pads wear out more frequently than other parts of the brake system because they absorb the majority of the friction and are exposed to a lot of wear and tear.

It’s time to change your brake pads if you hear squeaky brakes, or even loud noises as you brake. If you’re unsure of any signs you need to replace them, a simple brake inspection will be enough to tell. Generally, if the pads are less than 1/8 of an inch thick they need replacing.

Rotors: Rotors usually outlast brake pads, sometimes past 2 or 3 brake pad replacements, but any number of abnormalities can cause them to wear away quicker.

If you notice a pulsation or shudder when stepping on the brake pedal, it’s likely that there’s a problem with the rotors and they need to be replaced. Oftentimes, wear or damage to rotors can be fixed merely by resurfacing the rotors instead of replacing them- especially in low-mileage cars

Brake Fluid: Brake fluid is necessary to maintain pressure and stability within your brake system. Low brake fluid can indicate a problem with the efficiency of your brake system, but most commonly means there is a leak somewhere. If your brake light comes on in your dashboard, low brake fluid is a likely culprit.

If there’s a brake fluid leak it’s important to get this fixed immediately! A leak in your brake system could cause a lot of damage to the other parts, costing you a lot of money in the long run. And of course, a malfunctioning brake system is a huge safety hazard. See your mechanic immediately if you think you have low or leaking brake fluid.

If you’re experiencing problems with your brakes, suspect something may be wrong with the brake system or are just due for an inspection, stop by any of our locations! Poway Auto Repair is running special discounts the months of May and June for brake part replacements and upgrades!

Choosing the Right Brake Pads for your Vehicle

So you’ve found out that your brake pads are wearing out, and it’s time for a replacement. But did you know that there are multiple types of brake pads, made from different materials and suited to the different needs of cars and driving styles? Our team at Poway Auto Repair in Poway, CA can help get the brake pads that best fit your car. Here’s a quick guide to help you select the right brake pads for you.

Semi Metallic Brake Pads

Semi Metallic pads can be made from anywhere from 30% to 65% metal, from copper, wire, steel wool and other metal materials. Semi Metallic pads wear out the least quickly of all brake pads, but they also tend to wear out the brake rotors faster.


These pads are made from a special formula using about 10% to 30% copper or steel. Low-metallic brake pads are optimal for high heat and friction braking, and ideal for high speed braking. These types of pads are less clean than others, though. Low metallic pads produce a lot of dust and can be pretty noisy.

Non-Asbestos, Organic/NAO

Non-Asbestos, Organic brake pads are made from materials like fiber, glass and even rubber. They’re a lot softer than other types of pads, so they don’t make as much noise. However, NAO brake pads wear out faster and produce more dust than other types of pads.


Ceramic brake pads are some of the most expensive types of brake pads on the market today. Not without reason though. Ceramic pads are generally a superior product. Here are some of the pros of getting ceramic brake pads:

-Produce less noise than other types of pads

-Less wear on brake rotors

-Cleaner than other pads

-Smooth, efficient braking

There you have it! These are the most common types of brake pads on the market today, and all are suitable for use in commercial passenger vehicles. For more advice on the brake pad requirements of your particular vehicle and driving style, visit Poway Auto Repair in Poway.


Tires. There are so many kinds and they all come in different shapes and sizes. The variety is great, but we all know too well that too much variety leads to indecision.

Sometimes tires don’t get the time and consideration they deserve.  We just buy them and count on them to serve us for a certain amount of miles. They deserve a lot more of our respect though; tires are one of the vehicle’s most important safety features and everything from the type to tread matters in the tire’s performance, and ultimately your safety. That’s why it makes sense to get help from  automotive professionals when choosing tires.

There are Many Types of Tires

There are many types of tires. That’s great, right? It is if you know what tires are the right size and type for your car and driving considerations. Tires are more than a flexible rubber container for air. They actually have between 19 and 25 different components that make them well suited to a particular purpose and vehicle. You’ll need to match the tire’s attributes to your type of vehicle, load, driving conditions, driving style, and weather conditions to find one most suited to your needs.

What to consider in Tire Size

Buying the right size can also get a bit tricky. Whatever the tire quality you buy, it still must be able to carry the weight of your vehicle. Otherwise the tire is overworked and you risk a blowout. Never undersize a tire.

Next, you need to consider the diameter of the tire. It’s especially important to take your vehicle in to the auto shop and talk to a qualified  technician about which tire sizes will work on your vehicle. Newer vehicles have sensitive computer systems that depend on the tire size for accurate readings and responses.

What About Sets?

If you’re not getting a set of four new tires, talk to a capable mechanic for help in matching the new tires as closely as possible to the old ones. When you have the mechanic install them on the vehicle, ask them to find the reason one set wore out so much more quickly than the other.  Worn tires can alert you to other problems that may need attention.

Driving Conditions and Driving Style

Another excellent reason to take your vehicle in to the auto shop when you need new tires is that your service technician not only knows the vehicle and driving conditions, they’re also familiar with your driving style. The technician can help choose the most appropriate tire for the particular stresses it will endure, which translates as better mileage, longer lasting tires, and better performance.

It’s pretty hard for most people to find the “perfect” tire because so many different elements are  involved. Fortunately, making a great and economical decision is as close as your nearest qualified technician!

Brake Pad Replacement in Poway, CA

Many people put off brake pad replacement until they hear the ear piercing screech of metal on metal.  Rather than risking damage to your rotors, or worse—putting   your life in danger, it’s always best to give brakes the attention they need and check them on a regular basis and replacing brake pads when needed.

It’s easy to assume that your vehicle will stop quickly every time you step on the brake pedal.  In driving it’s such a regular process that it’s second nature and easy not to give it much thought. However, ignoring early warning signs of a need for brake pad replacement could have your car parked or in the auto repair shop for much costlier repairs.

How Do You Know When it’s Time for Brake pad Replacement?

While driving often makes it easy for problems with brakes to sneak up without notice, driving often also provides the perfect opportunity to make notes of brake performance and set baselines.

Regularly “feel” the brakes. If the brake pedal goes down further than you expect or is hard it may mean you have a brake problem and need a brake pad replacement.  You might also feel a pulsing, or the vehicle might pull to the right or left when braking. There are also noises that signal brake problems, such as clicking, screeching, or grinding.

Any of these problems signal a need to have the brakes checked as soon as possible:

-Vibration in the steering wheel

-Brake or Low-Pad warning light on

-Changes in the feel of braking

-Noises when you apply the brakes

Why Have a Professional Check Your Braking System

The brakes are one of the most important features of your car, so taking care of them is a very high priority. While replacing brakes might seem like an easy project, the technologies implemented in most systems today make the project increasingly technical. Auto shops have the tools, technology, and training to check the system thoroughly, replace brake pads (and in some cases, brake sensors as well), and make any other necessary repairs.

Depending on where you live and they type of driving you do; brake pads usually last between 30,000-35,000 miles. Take your vehicle into Poway Auto Repair in Poway, CA every 12-15 moths for a regular inspection of the brake pads and have them replaced as soon as you start to experience problems.

Gas Saving Tips

While we do not have much control over the prices at the pump, we do have some control over efforts to save as much fuel as possible while we drive. Follow these gas saving tips to keep more fuel in your tank, and more money in your wallet.

Keep Your Cool
Aggressive driving tactics such as speeding, rapid acceleration and braking, wastes more gas than we realize. In fact, according to, it can lower your gas mileage by 33% on the highway and by 5% in town.

Maintain your Vehicle
Taking your vehicle in for regular maintenance at the auto repair shop can help you save money at the pump. Old spark plugs, dirty filters, low fluid levels, poor alignment and improperly inflated tires all contribute to poor gas mileage.

Avoid Heavy Loads or Excess Weight
If you have accumulated excess junk in your trunk, clean it out and save money. Your vehicle has to work harder and uses more fuel to carry around all of those unnecessary items.

Keep Your Windows Closed at High Speeds
Open windows create drag, and drag leads to poor fuel economy.

Don’t Idle
Idling wastes gas and money. If you are stopped for more than 30 seconds, simply turn off the engine.

Coast to a Stop
Why hurry to stop? Rushing to red lights never gets anyone anywhere faster and only increases fuel costs. Brakes take the energy of the moving car and change it into heat energy, which is lost to the air. When you coast to a stop, you do not waste money converting that energy and end up at the same place in the long run, except with more fuel in the tank.

Use the right Oil
Simply by using the manufacturer’s recommended grade of motor oil you can improve gas mileage by at least 1%. Some oils even come in “energy saving” options and contain friction-reducing additives to help increase efficiency.

Avoid Ethanol When Possible
Gasoline cut with ethanol decreases your miles per gallon and increases your fuel costs. Why? Gasoline stores more energy than ethanol so you need more of it to go the same distance.


Plan Your Trips
Save on extra driving and extra trips by planning your errands and your route. Putting in a little extra effort and holding off on extra trips will make the gas you have stretch further and provide more value for your dollar.

Better fuel economy does not happen in one step or result from one dramatic solution. Instead, it takes many small changes all aimed at keeping more change in your pocket.

When is it Time for Struts & Shocks Repair?

Knowing when to take your vehicle into Poway Auto Repair for struts and shocks repair can be kind of tricky. The damping characteristics of shocks and struts diminish slowly over time, making it difficult to detect a problem. Usually when a driver notices that there is a problem, it’s well past the time of needing replacement.

Shocks and (or) struts are part of your vehicle’s suspension system. Not all vehicles have both shocks and struts; some only have one or the other. Each aid in the vehicle’s stability and handling. There’s no strictly set time for shock and strut replacement as part of it depends on driving conditions such as how you drive and the condition of the roads. Some need replacement at 30,000 miles, and others can go as long as 60,000 miles. There are however some good indications that it’s time to get in to Poway Auto Repair and have them looked at by service technician.

Signs that it’s Time to Replace or Repair Struts
Shocks and struts are responsible for keeping you on the road, so you’ll want to know the signs of wear. If you notice any of theses signs, it’s important to take your vehicle into the automotive repair shop to ensure that it’s working safely and properly.

1. The vehicle is not running as smoothly as it once did or showing difficulty in handling while on the road.
2. The ride is excessively bumpy.
3. The vehicle bottoms out when going over a bump or dip in the road.
4. When driving on a curvy road, the vehicle tends to sway.
5. You notice fluid leaking from the shock or strut.
6. You notice a poor steering response or noise when steering.
7. The shocks or struts show signs of physical damage.
8. The vehicle makes an excessive nose dive when breaking.
9. Tires show cupped or uneven wear.
10. The drive feels “shaky.”
11. You notice instability when braking.

Finally, it’s important not to ignore the warning signs. The shocks and struts make your vehicle manageable to drive and interact with other systems such as steering and alignment. Neglecting them can lead to the need for additional future repairs, adding to repair costs. Driving on worn shocks and struts can make the vehicle difficult to drive which could lead to unsafe driving conditions. Replacing shocks and struts regularly at Poway Auto Repair in Poway, California can keep your vehicle performing optimally and help extend it’s life expectancy.

Pollen – Your Air Filter’s Enemy

We all fear that time of spring when everything turns yellow in color and everyone we know seems to come down with hay fever. The effects of pollen on air quality during spring are obvious in indoor and outdoor settings, but it’s really important not to neglect the effects of pollen on your car.

When you think about it, our cars are on the front lines of the war on pollen. Imagine if you went out for a jog one spring day, but you magically acquired a new super power that enabled you to run at 50 miles per hour. It’d be a total blast at first, but after the first few blocks you’d be wheezing and sneezing from all the pollen suddenly rushing into your face and lungs.

Why are air filters so important?

We tend to think of our cars as solid, and totally protected from the elements like rain and wind. But lots of air flows through our vehicles when we drive, both into the interior cabin of the car where we sit, and under the hood into the engine and machinery. That’s why there are a number of different air filters to protect you and your car from the elements, and keep out large particles of dust and dirt that build up with frequent driving.

When your filter is dirty, and trust me, we see it all the time, your car’s performance really suffers.

Side effects of a dirty filter:

-A dirty, oversaturated filter lets in less air, so your engine has to work twice as hard to burn fuel and get the job done.
-A dirty filter is a less-effective filter. Too much dust and dirt can wear it down, and let in more dirt, pollen and you-name-it into your engine, leading to inefficiency and possible long-term damage.
-A dirty cabin filter negatively affects your heating and air-conditioning, and in some cases will produce some terrible smells.
-A dirty engine air filter lowers your fuel economy!

Now that pollen season is just around the corner, it’s time to check on your filters, and get them replaced as a preventative measure. The longer you wait between each engine filter replacement, the more damage and wear you can expect to see in your vehicle. Stop by Poway Auto Repair in Poway to hear how our team of experts can assist you with your air filters.

Air Filters and Your Vehicle’s Performance

A lot of people are surprised to hear that regular maintenance and replacement of air filters in your car increases your fuel economy! Your engine needs clean and pure air to function efficiently, and gas mileage is one of the first things to be affected by a dirty filter.

Air filters are important for fuel economy!

The average family car needs about 12 thousand gallons of air to burn just one gallon of gas! That’s a LOT of air!

Engine air filters are necessary because they prevent fine particles like dirt and dust from getting inside your engine and causing damage to the walls, pistons and piston rings. Air filters are your main line of defense from the hazards of daily driving.

Many drivers neglect to change air filters regularly, thinking that a dirty filter is better than no filter at all. A dirty, clogged filter starves your engine of the air it needs to work properly and causes stress on the engine- making it work harder and significantly raising the overall fuel economy of the vehicle.

With an old, dirty filter, your engine will burn much more fuel to compensate for the lack of air flow. Your mechanic isn’t just trying to sell you another part, he’s trying to help you save some of that gas money.

High pollen counts have a very negative effect on the overall performance of your engine. That’s why it’s really important to check and replace your car air filters during the spring months.

There are a number of air filters that go into your car.

-Cabin air filters – protects and cleans the air that flows into where you sit. If you or someone in your family suffers from allergies, high performance filters and regular replacements are a must. Cabin filters should be replaced every year, or every 12,000 miles.
-Engine filters – these protect the flow of clean air into your engine. During pollen season, it’s best that you replace your air filter more often than the manufacturer’s 15,000 mile recommendation.

Air Filters- Your Main Line of Defense against Pollen

Spring into early summer are prime months for pollen season. Last year, pollen counts broke records with over 8,000 particles per square meter. Technically, a “high” pollen count on the scale is 120 particles per square meter.

To make matters worse, pollen counts ebb and flow as different species of plants bloom and release their pollen. The overall count and increase and decrease over the course of spring as different trees, weeds and flowers come into bloom. Pine pollen is generally the culprit behind massive pollen counts – just think about all the pine trees in your neighborhood!

While it’s important to keep you and your family safe and healthy during the miserable pollen season, don’t forget that your family vehicle is also a prime location for pollen saturation. As your car drives along during the day, plant particles in the air are drawn into the engine and ventilation system by the tens of thousands.

So how can you combat this massive assault of pollen during the spring?

The first place to start is to maintain a clean filtration system. Just like the air filters in your home ventilation system, or air purifier, cabin air filters in your car block harmful particles from getting into the passenger area of your car. A high quality cabin air filter will block almost all of the harmful pollen in the air, only if it’s replaced regularly.

Cabin air filters protect and clean the air that flows into where you sit. If you or someone in your family suffers from allergies, high performance filters and regular replacements are a must. Cabin filters should be replaced every year, or every 12,000 miles.

Replace Your Air Filters Before Spring Comes

Be sure to check and replace both your engine air and cabin air filters before the pollen surge hits. A dirty cabin air filter will quickly become a health hazard once pollen counts reach extreme levels again.

Stop by our Poway Auto Repair in Poway, CA to get one of these filters for your vehicle. We look forward to seeing you!

Regular Car Maintenance – Auto Shop in Poway

Professional Auto Repairs for your Vehicle | Poway Auto Repair

As a car owner, there are many things that you can do to extend the life of your vehicle. These forms of preventative maintenance can include changing your oil, checking your tire pressure, and getting regular check ups. Preventative maintenance saves you money and helps you catch small issues before they become a big problem. Just like performing routine activities like going to the gym or taking a shower, maintaining your car takes time and effort but will ultimately benefit the health of your vehicle. For your convenience, every time you visit Poway Auto Repair, in Poway, CA we will check under the hood to make sure all of your vehicle’s vital fluids are in proper condition. We will then make recommendations based on these observations.

Make sure you check your owners manual for an appropriate maintenance schedule for your specific vehicle, this will help you know when you need to bring your car in. Here at Poway Auto Repair we can help you keep your car running smoothly and safely.

Engine Repair in Poway, CA

Friendly Auto Repair Shop – Poway Auto Repair

Vehicles are extremely complicated machines, and any number of parts can malfunction. In a society that relies so heavily on their vehicles for work and recreation, an unexpected breakdown can spell disaster. However, increasing numbers of car owners are neglecting routine maintenance and ignoring the common signs of a need for engine repair that could leave them stranded and with huge repair bills.

Getting the most out of your vehicle means keeping it in the best shape possible, and that requires knowing and acting on important warning signs that your vehicle needs engine repair or maintenance. If you want to avoid the inconvenience of a breakdown, take your vehicle in to your Poway Auto Repair in Poway, CA when you notice any of these signs of engine problems.

Warning Lights

That pesky “check engine” light is hard to miss, but many people do not take it as seriously as they should, especially if the light is not identifying a specific problem. Warning lights are connected to a sensitive computer with sensors monitoring important engine processes. Warning lights can signify problems that range form the relatively minor to very serious, and ignoring the light will only lead to greater problems.

Tapping, Clicking, Clunking Sounds

If your engine starts making loud and unfamiliar noises, it could be a sign of significant engine problems. Clunking sounds may indicate loose or broken parts, popping noises might signify premature detonation of fuel in the combustion chamber, and grinding might mean transmission trouble, for example. When you hear strange noises, it’s always best to let your repair shop track down the problem as soon as possible.

Jerking, Surging, Stalling

Driving should be smooth and free of lurching and stalling. If your vehicle is responding strangely, it’s a pretty strong sign that you have engine problems. Whether it’s due to clogged fuel lines, fouled spark  plugs or any of a number of other  problems, ignoring the issue can put you in the danger zone.

Bad or Unusual Smells

All vehicles emit smells, but when the smells are unusual or make it into the passenger compartment, it’s an important sign you need some sort of engine repair. Sometimes it might be something as minor as worn or loose belts. Other times  it could be exhaust that contains dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide. Don’t take any chances and get your vehicle checked out by a technician immediately.

Even if you believe your engine is in relatively good shape, ignoring these signs of problems can lead to even more costly engine repairs. Have the experts at Poway Auto Repair take a look and keep your car fit for the road.


Finding The Right Tires For Your Car

Auto Repair Experts in Poway, CA – Poway Auto Repair

Tires (general about large selection of tires, and capable mechanics able to help you pick the best tires for your vehicle and driving needs)

Sometimes tires don’t get the time and consideration they deserve.  We just buy them and count on them to serve us for a certain amount of miles. They deserve a lot more of our respect though; tries are one of the vehicle’s most important safety features and everything from the type to tread matters in the tire’s performance, and ultimately your safety. That’s why it makes sense to get help from  automotive professionals when choosing tires.

There are Many Types of Tires

There are many types of tires. That’s great, right? It is if you know what tires are the right size and type for your car and driving considerations. Tires are more than a flexible rubber container for air. They actually have between 19 and 25 different components that make them well suited to a particular purpose and vehicle. You’ll need to match the tire’s attributes to your type of vehicle, load, driving conditions, driving style, and weather conditions to find one most suited to your needs.

What to consider in Tire Size

Buying the right size can also get a bit tricky. Whatever the tire quality you buy, it still must be able to carry the weight of your vehicle. Otherwise the tire is overworked and you risk a blowout. Never undersize a tire.

Next, you need to consider the diameter of the tire. It’s especially important to take your vehicle in to the auto shop and talk to a qualified  technician about which tire sizes will work on your vehicle. Newer vehicles have sensitive computer systems that depend on the tire size for accurate readings and responses.

What About Sets?

If you’re not getting a set of four new tires, talk to a capable mechanic for help in matching the new tires as closely as possible to the old ones. When you have the mechanic install them on the vehicle, ask them to find the reason one set wore out so much more quickly than the other.  Worn tires can alert you to other problems that may need attention.

Driving Conditions and Driving Style

Another excellent reason to take your vehicle in to the auto shop when you need new tires is that your service technician not only knows the vehicle and driving conditions, they’re also familiar with your driving style. The technician can help choose the most appropriate tire for the particular stresses it will endure, which translates as better mileage, longer lasting tires, and better performance.

It’s pretty hard for most people to find the “perfect” tire because so many different elements are  involved. Fortunately, making a great and economical decision is an easy process with Poway Auto Repair. Call us today at 858-748-0561 to speak with our professional experts.